​John Foster is a world-renowned designer, author and speaker on design issues. His work has been published in numerous books and every major industry magazine, hangs in galleries across the globe and is part of the permanent collection of the Smithsonian. He is the proud recipient of a gold medal from the Art Directors Club. He is an international speaker, including numerous appearances at the largest design gathering in the world: The HOW Design Conference. Foster is the author of Album Art: New Music Graphics; New Masters of Poster Design and New Masters of Poster Design: Volume TwoPaper and Ink Workshop1,000 Indie PostersDirty Fingernails: A One-Of-A-Kind Collection of Graphics Uniquely Designed By HandFor Sale: Over 200 Innovative Solutions in Packaging DesignMaximum Page Design; and is one of the authors of Thou Shall Not Use Comic Sans. He sits behind an enormous desk for drawing, painting and thinking and general computering. The goofiest foxhound, dachshund, and olde English bulldog to roam the land occupy the region directly below his feet.